
Funnel Breakdowns

I spend 20+ hours/week analyzing the email funnels of 6 & 7 figure creators—so you can steal their money-making tactics in 10 minutes or less.

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🥷🏻 Fixing $400k SaaS funnel leaks

In 2 years, Olly & Wilson built a $400k SaaS biz. The crazy thing? They’ve acquired ~70% of their customers by “building in public” on Twitter. However, they recently started experimenting with lead magnets & newsletter ads… And this got me curious. So I spent 10 hours studying their lead magnet funnel. And I found 5 landing page mistakes that could be costing them hundreds of subscribers. So, I challenged myself to rewrite this landing page copy. And in today’s edition, I will walk you...

🥷🏻 400,000 followers, leaky funnel?

Over the past 2 years, Ruben Hassid has: Built a 400,000 LinkedIn following Grown his newsletter to 40,000 subs And launched multiple successful digital products However… After spending a few hours analyzing his funnel, I noticed his landing page has some serious leaks. So, I challenged myself to rewrite Ruben’s landing page copy as if he’d hired me to do so. And in today’s edition, I will walk you through each of the upgrades I made as well as the rationale behind them. That way, you can:...

🥷 Funnel Breakdowns #22: Creator Wizard

Here’s something most creators and solopreneurs get completely wrong about monetization: You don’t need an audience of 1,000,000 followers to build a profitable, 7-figure business online. And the creator we’re going to funnel hack today is a great example of that. Meet Justin Moore, the founder of Creator Wizard. Over the past couple years, Justin has been building his mini-empire online by helping other creators land more, better paying sponsorships. And he’s done it with a fraction of the...

🥷 Funnel Breakdowns #21: Drum Beats Online

The Internet is a wonderful thing. No matter what it is you’re interested in… If you’re really passionate about it (and you know how to build good sales & marketing funnels), you can make a great living online—even in a niche that most people would think is “too small.” That’s exactly what this week’s creator has been able to achieve. Meet Gabe Helguera. Gabe is a drummer. But not just any drummer. He’s a 2-time Grammy nominee with his band I Prevail. He’s also the founder of Drum Beats...

🥷 Funnel Breakdowns #20: Copyblogger

Hey, Funnel Ninja! We have a jam-packed edition today. But we’re doing something slightly different. We’re not going to break down the funnel of a creator or solopreneur… Instead, we’re diving into the funnel of a 8-figure company that’s been on my radar for a few months: Copyblogger. If you’re not familiar, Copyblogger is an online training company that’s been teaching people how to create killer content since 2006 (before anyone really used the term “content marketing”). Now, there’s a few...

🥷🏻 5 steps to craft a top-notch Welcome Email

Hey there, Funnel Ninja! A few weeks ago, we showed you how to build a Killer Thank You Page (and why it’s so crucial to do so). If you missed that edition, no worries—you can read it here. Now, nailing your Thank You Page is a huge step towards dialing in your newsletter or lead magnet welcome flow… But it’s just the first step. The second step is: Nailing your Welcome Email. And that’s exactly what we’re going help you do today. But, why is nailing your Welcome Email so important? Glad you...

🥷 The missing piece of your opt-in flow

Hey, Funnel Ninja! Today we’ve got a special (and extremely tactical) edition. We’re going to help you avoid a funnel building mistake 95% of creators & solopreneurs make… (even the ones who’re crushing it): Not having a killer Thank You page in their newsletter or lead magnet opt-in flow. Now, why is that a mistake? Great question! When someone signs up for your newsletter or lead magnet, they are more engaged than ever. Think about it… People spend most of their time online scrolling. But...

🥷 Funnel Breakdown #19: Blaine "The Dating Coach"

One of my favorite tricks to get exposed to new ideas: Scrolling TikTok with my wife. Every time we spend some time watching TikToks together I learn about new trends or walk away with an insight for something we could explore in our business. But there’s another amazing benefit to it: It also helps me find niche creators who’re crushing it that I would otherwise not come across. That’s how I found Excel with Grant, for example. And it’s also how I first stumbled upon today’s creator: Blaine...

🥷 Funnel Breakdown #18: Justin Welsh

What’s up, Funnel Ninja! We have a special edition this week. Today we’re breaking down a funnel many of you have been asking for since the very early days of this newsletter. That’s right—we’re talking about Justin Welsh’s newsletter funnel. I’m sure most of you are pretty familiar with this guy… But in case you don’t know him, let me introduce you real quick. This Week’s Creator: Justin Welsh Over the past 4 years, Justin has become one of the biggest and most successful creators on Twitter...