🥷 The missing piece of your opt-in flow

Hey, Funnel Ninja!

Today we’ve got a special (and extremely tactical) edition.

We’re going to help you avoid a funnel building mistake 95% of creators & solopreneurs make…

(even the ones who’re crushing it):

Not having a killer Thank You page in their newsletter or lead magnet opt-in flow.

Now, why is that a mistake?

Great question!

When someone signs up for your newsletter or lead magnet, they are more engaged than ever.

Think about it…

People spend most of their time online scrolling.

But in order to sign up for your thing, they had to stop scrolling, type up their email address, and tap a button.

Doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it is!

Because—again—this is the exact opposite of what they typically do.

Which is why, right after someone joins your list, you have a golden opportunity to:

  • Delight them (so you can reinforce their decision to get emails from you)
  • Gather data (so you can better understand how to help them & make the emails you send them as relevant as possible)
  • And walk them through the next steps they need to take (so you can make sure they actually open, read, and benefit from your emails)

Make sense?

Alright, now let’s talk about the key “sections” your Thank You page should have in order to accomplish this.

The 5 Sections Of A Killer Thank You Page

  1. 👋 The Welcome Section. First, you need to confirm their signup was successful—and reinforce their decision to join your list. Pro tip: Record a quick Loom video welcoming new subscribers so you instantly build more affinity with them!
  2. ➡️ The Next Steps Section. Then, you need to explain exactly what they should do next (namely, opening your welcome email). Be as specific as possible here—and tell them (1) who the email is coming from and (2) what the subject line is so they can find it quickly.
  3. 📬 The Escape Spam Hell Section. After that, you should also share instructions for them to check their spam/promotions folder if they don’t see your email in their primary inbox. This is particularly important if you’re just starting out and your domain reputation isn’t super solid yet.
  4. 📋 [Advanced] The Segmentation Survey Section. Once you’ve set expectations, you might also want to ask them to fill out a quick survey (3-5 questions max) so you can personalize their email experience (as well as the way you present your offers later). Pro tip: You can get more people to fill out the survey by offering some sort of incentive/reward in exchange.
  5. 🎁 [Advanced] The Bribe Section. Lastly, if you have any other free resources new readers might find valuable, you can include them in your welcome email and then tease that at the end of your Thank You page to get people even more excited to go open your email!

Okay, enough theory… let’s build your Thank You page, shall we?

To make your life as easy as possible, we’ve put together a free plug-and-play template you can use to quickly spin up your own killer Thank You Page.

Want some additional inspiration?

You can find a few good Thank You page examples we like below:

Just a heads up: These examples don’t necessarily have all the “sections” we laid out above, but you might draw inspiration from the way they executed the ones they do have.

🌱 The Planter Runner

What we like about this Thank You Page: Claire from The Planted Runner uses a nice graphic to visually explain the next steps you need to take to get access to her lead magnet.

💼 Justin Welsh’s Saturday Solopreneur

What we like about this Thank You Page: Justin uses a segmentation survey to segment his new subscribers—so he can then personalize (1) the content he sends you and (2) the way he presents his paid products to each reader.

⚙️ Rich Webster’s 6-Figure Solopreneur Systems

What we like about this Thank You Page: Right away, Rich welcomes you with a nice Loom video where he immediately reminds you of everything you’re going to unlock inside his email course. This is an amazing to instantly build trust and affinity with your new subscribers!

And that’s it!

Now you have zero excuses to not have a top notch Thank You page.

So make sure to take our template for a spin and make this upgrade as soon as you can.

(Your subscribers and your wallet will thank you later!)

In the meantime, hit reply and let us know if you found this week’s edition helpful.

Also, if there’s any other templates you’d like us to create, please let us know—we’d be happy to!

Chat next Friday,

Daniel ~ aka The Email Marketing Ninja